Here’s the story of how ActiveRecord’s where.not(field: nil)
may still happen to return nil
in Postgres.
This funny thing happened to me today when I was checking Honeybadger errors having my cup of morning coffee.
The essence of the error looked like this:
irb(main):001:0> HotelRef.where.not(data: nil).
irb(main):002:0* pluck(:data).
irb(main):003:0* map { |h| h.dig('name') }
NoMethodError: undefined method 'dig' for nil:NilClass
Hmmm. I moved my coffee away and decided to dive into details:
irb(main):004:0> ap HotelRef.where.not(data: nil).pluck(:id, :data)
[0] [
[0] 123,
[1] {
"name" => "some_name"
[1] [
[0] 456,
[1] {
"name" => "other_name"
[2] [
[0] 123456,
[1] nil # WHAT ???!!!
Let’s take a look at the field definition:
CREATE TABLE public.hotel_refs
data json,
Now let’s try in pure SQL:
my_db=> select id, data from hotel_refs
my_db-> where id=123456 and data is not null;
id | data
123456 | null
(1 row)
But wait…
my_db=> select id, data from hotel_refs where data is null limit 1;
id | data
12 |
(1 row)
Okay, finally we can see that null
that we’ve got in the first case is not a DB’s NULL
, actually.
It is just a valid JSON object like in:
irb(main):005:0> nil.to_json
=> "null"
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